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SQL Database Config


A SQL database is a systematic collection of data, which is used to store, manipulate, and manage data electronically. It is built upon a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that stores data in the form of tables, which consist of columns and rows.

Child Tools


SQL Database


Please note if the user is running Zene on Raspberry Pi, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and ODBC database types are not supported.

SQL database to connect to.

  • MySQL: a widely-used and highly-performant database system
  • SQL Server: a database system developed by Microsoft. Zene uses OBDC driver to connect to SQL Server.
  • PostgreSQL: known for its extensibility and standards compliance
  • SQLite is a lightweight and portable database system
  • ODBC: a standard interface for connecting applications to databases.

Use must have the appropriate driver installed on your system to use the SQL Server and ODBC database types.


Within Zene installer, the user can install SQL Server ODBC driver by selecting the SQL Server Driver option.

Use connection string

Whether to use connection string to connect to the database.

A SQL Database connection string is an expression that contains the parameters required for applications to connect to a database server. It includes information such as the server instance, database name, authentication details, and other settings necessary for communication with the database server. Connection strings can be used with different authentication types.

Connection string

Use connection string

The connection string to connect to the database.


See Connection Strings for connection string reference.



The SQL Database ODBC Driver name refers to a specific ODBC driver used to connect an application to a SQL database.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a standardised API that allows applications to access various databases in a DBMS-independent manner. The ODBC driver's front end adheres to the ODBC standard, while the back end is customised for a specific database engine. Applications can use ODBC-specified standard SQL syntax to communicate with the database, regardless of the database engine on the back end. To connect to a SQL database, an application needs to have the appropriate ODBC driver installed.


During the installation of Zene, the user can install the SQL Server ODBC driver by selecting the SQL Server Driver option. The SQL Server driver name for that is ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server.


MySQL SQL Server PostgreSQL ODBS

Server name specifies the location of the database server. The server address can include the server name or IP address (IPv4 and IpV6), the instance name, and optionally the port number, depending on the requirements of the specific database system being used.

Database Name

MySQL SQL Server PostgreSQL SQLite ODBS

The database name is essential for directing the application to the correct database on the server, as a single server can host multiple databases.

User ID

MySQL SQL Server PostgreSQL ODBS

The user ID is used to authenticate the connection to the database server.


MySQL SQL Server PostgreSQL ODBS

The password is used to authenticate the connection to the database server.